Boy meets girl. You can fill in the rest. Tale as old as time. How many books are there about star crossed lovers willing to do anything for one another? How many movies are there about unrequited love? I don’t even want to think about how many love songs there are.
What about breaking up? How much media is there out there about breaking up. There’s a lot. It’s messy and complicated, and a lot of times there’s always a dramatic scene where maybe the young lovers get back together, maybe they don’t and they learn a lot about themselves in the process.
Love is a beautiful thing. Relationships are beautiful. Breaking up is tough. It’s better to have loved and lost as they say. But it’s funny, you don’t hear too many songs about that in between, those relationships where you ask yourself, “honestly is this even worth it?” Or “what the hell am I thinking?” Maybe I don’t need to quit my job and move across the country with this person in a grand romantic gesture. Maybe I don’t need to stop that train and confess my love. Maybe…I just need to find someone else.